BUSINESSES in Copeland can now take advantage of two subsidies to encourage employment. Small-sized employers across the borough can receive a £3,000 subsidy towards a new apprentice’s salary, or a £2,500 subsidy towards wages and training costs of taking on a new recruit. Copeland Work and Skills Partnership – led by Copeland Council and funded by Copeland Community Fund and Sellafield Ltd – has launched the subsidies to encourage employers to support individuals into employment. Companies employing fewer than 50 staff that have been in business for at least a year can qualify for the subsidies. The Partnership is particularly keen to hear from employers in sectors including health and social care; accommodation and food; retail; manufacturing; construction and digital. Mike Starkie, Mayor of Copeland, said: “This is a win-win situation. Local people get a foot on the career ladder while receiving training and support, and businesses can support an individual into employment and training while having their costs subsidised. “Even during the current crisis, we know firms are looking to the future and looking at their recruitment options, and we hope this can be an extra incentive to invest in the local workforce.” For more information, employers are asked to contact Chris Pickles, Copeland’s Work and Skills Programme Officer, on 01946 598326 or chris.pickles@copeland.gov.uk.