Today (June 1) is the beginning of volunteers week and we will be recognising the amazing contributions that volunteers make to our organisation. Cumbria Constabulary's Citizens in Policing team manage the forces volunteers which include Special Constables, Police Support Volunteers, Mini Police and Volunteer Police Cadets. Head of people Superintendent Lisa Hogan said, “It is important to acknowledge all the incredible work of volunteers that contribute their time to support Cumbria Police from Special Constables assisting officers on patrol, to Police Support Volunteer that play a behind the scene role assisting our Public Protection Unit in relation to missing people to Shop Watch and much more. "We have also seen the mini police and cadets work on some great incentives within their local community's from road safety to mental health awareness. "Our volunteers are an essential part of Cumbria Police and play a core part in keeping Cumbria safe, again I would like to say a thank you your hard work and dedication" Bill Leece is a Police Support Volunteer who has assisted officers in fraud prevention to assisting with officer training. Speaking on his role he said, "I volunteered as a police support volunteer shortly after I retired. "I have been involved in various aspects of police work assisting as and when requested thus saving serving officers time for more urgent tasks. I have been involved with fraud squad officers, giving advice at banks and building societies on fraud prevention and on internet security. "I have assisted on advanced interview courses playing the role of victim or suspect, and assisted specialist dog handlers on courses where the dogs train to detect hidden drugs. Being a volunteer is very worthwhile and I would recommended it as an extremely useful and interesting contribution to society." Cadet, Lucy Stephenson speaking on her time as a cadet said, "I have been part of West Cumbria Cadets since the cadet programme first started. It is difficult to just think of just one of the best things about the cadets as there are so many “best things” in fact I love everything about cadets. "I have been given so many opportunities over the two years. Which has allowed me to build my confidence so much, especially speaking in front of people. Mini police, Grace said speaking on being a part of the constabularies Mini Police said, "I love wearing my mini police uniform for Friday patrol day. This is the day we do morning and after school patrol, reminding people to shut the gates and to stay safe by our very busy road. "At first it was a bit scary telling parents off, but we're used to it now. The parents know that we are there to keep everyone safe. "The scariest things we have done are the information evenings for adults in the community about things like the Prevent and Equality and County Lines but I feel proud because now all those people know what to do if they are worried about someone. "We will never know but in the future it might help them keep someone safe, I am very proud of that." Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall,said: “I think it is a genuine mark of the strength of our communities that we have so many people willing to give up their time, often lots of it, to volunteer in a range of roles. “Volunteers are absolutely essential to Cumbria Constabulary and many functions just wouldn’t run without them, and more to the point they bring real diversity and wide experience to their roles which is healthy in any organisation. “Most volunteers know their community extremely well and can often spot and resolve issues quickly. “Communities really trust our volunteers and that link and connection can be vital to police work. “I would like to take this opportunity to say a very genuine thank you to all volunteers in Cumbria Constabulary and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, and indeed in the wider community, we really couldn’t do without you, thank you so much for your commitment, dedication and service.” Special Constables do numerous jobs in their local communities, to see what they do follow them on Twitter: www.twitter.com/CumbriaSpecials