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Public thanked for continuing to make sacrifices to protect NHS

Oliver Hodgson

Cumbria Constabulary’s Chief Constable is urging people to continue to follow the Government guidance and stay home, as national figures are released on fixed penalty notices. Cumbria Constabulary has so far issued 107 fixed penalty notices (from 13 March to 27 April). Cumbria Constabulary’s Chief Constable Michelle Skeer said: “I appreciate that everyone is making sacrifices at the moment by staying at home and many of us are keen to get back to “normal” and visit family, friends, or even visit the parks and beauty spots where we live. “However, it’s important to remember why we are doing this – this sacrifice is to ensure that we protect the NHS and save lives. These restrictions are working. We are supporting our NHS and we are saving the lives of people in our own, local communities. “We need to keep going and ensure we don’t undo the last few weeks by ignoring the restrictions. I remain encouraged that the overwhelming majority of the public are heeding the Government guidance and respecting the measures introduced." “My officers on the ground will continue to use fixed penalty notices only when engaging, explaining and encouraging have failed. However, officers are finding this engagement is becoming more challenging at times as they do their job in protecting communities, which has resulted in a rise in the number of fixed penalty notices being issued. “This week we have also seen people convicted at court in Cumbria of attacking emergency service workers, including police officers, by spitting at them. This is completely unacceptable. Emergency service workers cannot stay home, they are working in the community to help keep us all safe and we should all respect them. “I know our officers have the support of the public but I would encourage everyone to think about the person - not just the uniform - when engaging with police officers. The support of the public means a great deal to all emergency service personnel who are working every day in challenging conditions.”

Fixed Penalty Notice Examples:

• On 27 April a man in his 20s from Carlisle was stopped in Pennine Way at around 12.50pm riding a quad bike with a friend. Despite being given numerous warnings the man refused the instruction to separate from his friend and return home.

• On 19 April officers attended an address in Whitehaven and spoke with a man who was at the address – not his own – dying a friend’s hair. The man claimed not to be aware of anything going on in relation to Covid-19.

• On 23 April a man in his 40s from Whitehaven who had already been warned earlier in the day and urged to return home was spotted in Peter Street in Whitehaven, drinking, at around 5.15pm.


1 Comment

Apr 30, 2020

If there is a gathering arrest them missing my pint let's get back to normal when it's safe



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