Kindhearted West Cumbrian sports professionals have taken to social media, local businesses and supermarkets to provide food and essentials for those that need it most.
Food poverty has been a topic of conversation for many over the past few weeks, following the news that there was to be no free school meals provided for children over the October half term holidays.
Luke Johnston, Chairman and Director of Whitehaven Amateur Football Club and his team were quick to respond to this news and they decided to plan and organise a Whitehaven food parcel and delivery service, for free and not only for school children but also the elderly.
Already producing and delivering over 250 hot meals 22-year-old Luke said: “As a community club which has been at the heart of the community for over 25 years, we noticed that some people needed some extra help during this November lockdown.
“We put a post out asking for food donations and our coaches, parents and children brought in a huge amount of food. This was and continues to be topped up by Morrison’s in Whitehaven who donate to us in bulk on a weekly basis.
Luke explained that the club also received cash donation through their GoFundMe page which has enabled them to buy fresh fruit and veg.
“We continue to get nominations and make the parcels up weekly and they are delivered to their doorsteps. They have all kinds of groceries, fresh fruit & veg, fish, meat, treats and also have extra items depending on who it is for.”
Mr Johnston said that the comments which the club received from members and the public have been ‘amazing’ and ‘heart-warming’
Luke is very grateful for the efforts of the whole club: “A massive thank-you must go to all the coaches, staff, parents, children and members of the public for their support with donations and help with the running of the project.
“Also, a particular thank you must go to Sharon Graham, Community Champion and Steven Kirkbride Store Manager at Morrison’s Whitehaven for all their support and donations.”
Anyone who may require some help can contact the club by emailing luke.johnston@whitehavenafc.com and the clubs GoFundMe page can be found here > shorturl.at/agJV2
