A group of friends from Parton have clubbed together and started a “NAP” group. What started with 20 of them has soon moved into its hundreds as more and more people offer to help.
Martin Clark, 34, originally from Parton but now lives at Bransty started the group. He said:
“We set up the NAP Group to keep everyones spirits high and to keep in touch with each other through these tough times but also to give something back to all the amazing front line workers!!”
So far the group has:
Delivered pizza to care homes
Bacon sandwiches for bin men, post operatives and the emergency services
Fruit baskets to every ward at West Cumberland Hospital
Hampers to all chemists
Cheese boards to Workington Hospital
Easter eggs to school hubs
Bacon sandwiches to the fire station
Hamper to Pelican Garage
Food to Overend Children’s Home
£500 donation for PPE for NHS staff
Free fruit and veg in parton village hall to distribute it to those struggling
We spoke to Mike Starkie, Elected Mayor of Copeland who said:
“Another fabulous example of how the community is coming together at a time when families are kept apart, this crisis is bringing out the best in people and this effort from Martin and his group is another great example of selfless attitude of people in our community, well done to all involved!”
The group are offering FREE bacon sandwiches to post workers and Emergency Services from 7:30AM onwards at Whitehaven Recreation Ground on Thursday 9th April 2020.
Anyone interested one joining Martins Group can contact him on Facebook or on his mobile: 07514 301758.
Martin also has a Just Giving page for who would like to donate: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/martin-clark-1?utm_term=EPM4Xyxn7